Goodbye Sabine and all the best wishes from ...

Liv and Rachel

Dear Sabine, 

It’s such a lucky thing to know you and work with you. You are such a talented and smart member of Marketing Team and we are truly grateful of having you. While we will miss you and have fond memories of working with you, we wish you more success on your new endeavor. We’ve appreciated all support and encouragement you’ve given, and they have always been the inspirations to us all. Have a prosperous life and keep in touch!

Karen Bravo

Hola my dearest Sabine,

I have been working here for years and have gained loads of experience from you. 
It has been great working with you over these past few years as part of this team. 
Thank you for all the support and kindness. You will be missed!

Good luck with your future endeavors!

Truly yours, 

Karen B.
LESER Bahrain

Rahul Raj

Many thanks for your unwavering dedication and the positive impact you have made in the Marketing Community.
Farewell and Best Wishes on Your New Journey !!! Please keep in touch …

 Kim Gray

Sabine,  It has been a pleasure to work with you.  I will miss you very much and miss all the LESER Marketing knowledge that you have.  I wish you well in your new endeavor! 

Steve Kipp

Sabine – It has been a distinct pleasure working with you since joining LESER. I wish you all the best in the future – Steve Kipp

Gabriel Guedes

Dear Sabine,

Thank you so much for all the help you have given me since I joined the LESER team. Unfortunately, we didn't have that much contact, but I would like to thank you for everything you helped me and wish you all the success in the world in your new journey.

Kind Regards,
Gabriel Guedes