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"LESER The Company" is in the starting blocks

The marketing project team has created the new brochure "LESER The Company". This will replace the well-known "LESER at a Glance". It will be available in all the different LESER languages. The subsidiary responsible for the region will always be listed first. This ensures the right focus when presenting the different subsidiaries.

"LESER The Company" describes pictorially in short, concise messages:

  • Who LESER is and what drives us.
  • How we at LESER develop, manufacture and bring products and services to our customers.
  • What products and services LESER offers.

The brochure should be seen as an introduction to the world of LESER. Depending on the level of interest, the customer himself or a LESER representative can delve deeper into the respective topics. Via a digital extension, using a QR code in the printed brochure or a link in the PDF, one can access the LESER website with further information. In order to make the content there as informative, attractive and interesting as possible, three short films have been created with the following topics, among others:

  • Product development at LESER
  • Quality@LESER
  • LESER project business

The digital extensions are always kept up-to-date, further developed and, where possible, further individualized. In this way, we can always offer our customers a LESER experience that is right for them. To this end, the launch will be accompanied by a global marketing campaign. "keep an eye out from 2022 onwards, there will be posts on LinkedIn about this."

The brochure is currently being produced in the various versions in Hamburg. Afterwards the distribution takes place by package delivery in the editions already co-ordinated with the respective marketing responsible persons. You will receive the PDF versions shortly with a separate LESER News. In parallel, the brochure will be made available for download on the LESER website and in the LESER United Work Space UWS. A training for LESER employees as well as sales and service partners is in preparation, more information will follow.

Plan your next customer visits with "LESER The Company" and actively contribute to strengthening the LESER brand in the market.

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