Order Entry
Entrada de la orden.

Order Entry

The sales department of LESER is located here in Hamburg. Already in the 1980s there was an IT-supported order entry.
Entrada de la orden.
Refrigerant Valve


This desktop calculator was used, for example, to calculate the right valve springs in the technical department.

It was one of the first programmable desktop calculators and has an integrated reader/writer for magnetic cards. The PC-2600 was released in 1973 or 1974. The programs can be stored on magnetic cards and later read in again. The results can be output via a 16-digit display or an integrated metal paper printer.

Further technical details:

The programming is in the style of a programmable calculator or assembler. Loops, conditions, memory accesses and subroutines are possible. There are 1024 program steps and 48 memories available for each of the main and subprograms. Up to 98 part-programs can be created.

The letters and special characters can also be displayed at least on the printer; the two-digit codes for the various characters are listed in the table on the screen. Since the keyboard does not contain any letters, the input of texts was probably somewhat laborious.


Entrada de la orden.
Transaction register

Transaction register



