LESER Update May 2022
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For the protection of people, the environment and industry..

... you can trust the LESER brand. More than 1,000 employees worldwide work for you on this promise. Made in Germany for more than 200 years.

Be a part of that promise, because safety valve maintenance and repair is necessary to keep that word.

Lifelong learning - this is not just a phrase, but one of the most important challenges to keep your expertise up-to-date. Because gaps in knowledge, especially in the field of maintenance and repair of safety valves, can become a danger to the protection of people, the environment and industry.

Why? Because the safety valve is the last safety device in a plant. For this reason, it must function properly at all times. Regular training from the manufacturer is therefore important to ensure this and to be up-to-date with the latest technology.

In the Chatroom, LESER's training center, we have created the conditions to pass on this know-how. You will learn how to maintain and repair spring-loaded and pilot-operated safety valves at modern equipped maintenance tables.


The maintenance training courses provide you with the technical knowledge about the function and maintenance of safety valves. The program is designed so that more than half of the content is carried out with practical exercises at the maintenance benches. In these exercises you will assemble, disassemble as well as check different safety valves.

The new maintenance benches are located in our demonstration plant, the LESER Chatroom, and allow hands-on training for all participants alike. The tables are equipped with the necessary tools and test equipment. This enables training in accordance with currently applicable standards and regulations.

You will learn the theoretical basics through animations and live demonstrations in the LESER Chatroom.

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A personal visit to the LESER Kontor located in the metropolis of Hamburg is always worthwhile. Here you will find the product exhibition, the LESER Museum 1818 and the LESER Chatroom under one roof too.

This training is also a part of the certification or recertification of LESER Authorized Repair Center (LARC).