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New Corporate Design

After approximately 20 years, the LESER Corporate Design 2019 (hereinafter referred to as "CD 2019") replaces the previous Corporate Design "Blue Hour" (hereinafter referred to as "CD-BS"). By corporate design (CD) we mean the visual appearance of LESER. It should make the company appear as a unit both internally and externally, especially through formal design constants such as the company logo, typographies, colours and design systems. Why is the LESER CD being revised? The design of the LESER logo, the colours used and the design elements are no longer up to date. At the same time, the globalisation of our business demands a worldwide uniform appearance of the LESER brand.

The LESER Global Standard "LGS 1500 - LESER Corporate Design Manual" regulates the overall scope of the LESER Corporate Design 2019 and describes the content, sub-themes, use as well as status in the individual chapters. Fourteen associated subordinate LESER Global Standards have been created and are valid immediately. These LESER Global Standards, which together form the LESER Corporate Design Manual, are available at the UWS.
The changeover from CD-BS to CD 2019 will take place gradually. The principle applies that
  • materials available in the CD-BS are used up first,
  • materials are post-produced in the CD-BS until they are recognisably changed or completely detached,
  • parts of the internal equipment, such as signs in or on buildings and vehicle signage, are carried out in the CD 2019 when they are replaced or newly procured and
  • all new communication materials or items with design elements of the corporate design are created in CD 2019 with immediate effect. 

The gradual changeover has already begun: The first printed materials and newsletters have been designed in CD 2019. The conversion of internal and external business equipment has started with new letter paper, email signature and presentation templates. Further elements are in preparation.

The corporate design is the visual appearance of LESER. It shows the company internally and externally as a unit and increases the confidence of interested parties and customers in the LESER brand. Please contribute to this and apply the corporate design consistently. Thank you very much!

The application of LESER Corporate Design in Sales Partner and LARC activities is in preparation (LGS 1513).

For questions and suggestions, please contact LESER Marketing at corporate.design@leser.com.